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3rd Base

Ahh yes! Baseball.  America’s favorite pastime. 


Unfortunately, here at the Playhouse we know very little about sports; but this isn’t a sports site. It’s about sex. We play it. We talk about it.  We support different teams, different techniques and different statistics.


In the 90s, the dirtiest we got on the radio was LL Cool J talking about “doing it” well or Bruce Springsteen saying he’s just “tired and bored with myself” and he could use a little help. Sex messages were hidden in songs, and you had to read between the lines - unlike Bad Bunny’s blatant love for “chocha de Puerto Rico.”


As a result, we also had to come up with euphemisms to talk about sex and in terms of sexual metaphors, somehow baseball made sense. 


First base – we’re making out.  A kiss with a slip of the tongue and maybe a little lip biting or neck kissing.  Second base is a boob rub or a penis rub over the clothes (maybe under it too).  And third base is where all the lines are blurred.

Third base is pandora’s box to sex.  A hand job, fingering, a blow job, eating a girl out… that is all third base.  We jumped from copping a feel over the pants to a full-blown blow job.  How sportsmanlike of us.  Batter hits a triple, breezes from first all the way to third.  


The 90s.  What a grand time!  But like baseball, talking about sex as a sport is ‘played out.’


 “When we hyper-focus on the penetrative act, we’re leaving so many people behind, and we’re also leaving out so much room for what pleasure can look like during the experience as well,” Cameron Glover, sex educator and host of the podcast Sex Ed In Color, previously told Refinery29. “I think it’s super important that more people talk about sex as an all-encompassing experience and not just hyper-focus on penis-in-an-orifice.” 


And that’s what we’re going to do.  We’re going to talk about the stages of pleasurable experience pre-sex.

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